So, we have been very grateful to have been given lots of hand-me-downs. From family, friends, and people whose kids we baby-sat! This jogging stroller was one of those precious hand-me-downs! It has lasted since Lydia was small and Bobby was the baby! We have used and abused the heck out of this stroller. Well, I was taking Ray on a walk, and every so often I would hear what sounded like fabric ripping. I thought nothing of it, and was truly focused on getting the most out of my walk...ok, ok...I just thought nothing of it! Ray had been asking the constant questions he normally asks when he's in the stroller. Things like, "Why do we go walking?" I answer, "To get some exercise." "No, why do WE walk." "So you can be out enjoying the fresh air." "No, why do you walk." "Why do you think Ray?" "So you can get exercise?"....and so on and so forth! Anyways, on this particular walk he had fallen asleep...that is the ONLY reason I was able to hear the ripping sounds. By the time I got him home, his little bottom was on the bottom of the stroller under-basket! The seat had ripped out from under him, and he just quietly slipped down to "cargo class"! Well, then the kids had fun toting Brigham around in the under-basket! Brigham felt like he was in "first class" not "cargo"! He loves it when the older kids involve him in anything! If we could just find that same joy out of life's little mishaps, life would always be grand!
Love is
7 years ago
WAHOOOOOOOO!!! This is such a happy day for me! Finally a family member has a blog! I'm so excited to see updates. I love these pictures! Way to take the plunge Er!